ʞɹo⅄ ʍǝN
“ʞɹo⅄ ʍǝN: A View from Above” (2020) was planned in November of 2020, filmed on location in New York City in December 2020 and completed on March 13, 2020.
The video features an original soundtrack created by Canadian drone/sound artist Kristel Jax (Brigitte Bardon't) as well as video footage of New York architecture juxtaposed with the interior of home appliances.
Originally I intended this dualism to activate comparisons and contrasts between a variety of themes including Private/Public; Tourism/ Local Issues; Domestic/Global’; Personal/Municipal. I also wanted to draw focus on the relationship of the Canadian art scene (specifically Toronto) to the notion of NYC as perceived as the epicentre of the art world.